TIRE-ROAD system: ....tire body =Continental ContactPremium2 ....1D-pressure profile =1D test pressure distribution ....roadtype = Example_y,z-data_01 ....tread compound E = B ....tread compound a,b = B ....tread compound non linear = B **************************************************** FLAG PARAMETERS: iflag0 (=1 temperature development and friction when rubber block slides) = 0 (at constant velocity a given distance s using data from IN.ROAD) (For this case use delnn (in IN.mathematical) relative small, e.g., 0.01) iflag1 (=1 steady state mu with flash temperature) = 1 (Note: only flash temperature associated with viscoelastic friction) (Thus, temperature only accurate when adhesive contribution small,) (e.g., wet road at high enough sliding speed) (=11 also 2D anisotropic friction at angle anglev) (if iflag2=11 input IN.2D.1anglev.1NZ.1NX.1dq.1qx.2qy.3logCq) (if iflag2=11 use NX approx= 100 if larger very slow) (=2 calculate also rolling resistance) (=3 calculate also crack propagation energy 1+f) (=4 calculate also temperature at fatique crack) iflag2 (=1 or 11 1D-longitudinal or cornering tire dynamics (rubber tread block dynamics)(brush model)) = 0 (if iflag2 = -1,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9,-10 --> FAST METHOD) (Note: for iflag=2 or 3 FAST not implemented as not valid for arbitrary motion) (=2 move top of rubber block from IN.block file) (=3 move bottom of rubber block from IN.block file) (=4 Tire vibration power spectra) (=5 TireDynamics: one slip condition from input data) (=6 TireDynamics: slip curve) (=7 TireDynamics: slip angle curve) (=8 TireDynamics: camber angle curve) (=9 ABS braking dynamics) (=10 non-stationary tire dynamics) iflag3 (=0 qcutoff=q1 from IN_ROADTYPE.q0.q1.h0.H... file) = 3 (=1 q1 calculated from block-slip method slow method) (=2 q1 calculated, steady-state method) (=3 q1 choosen to give the rms slope rmsslopeq1 defined in IN.mathematical) (use iflag3=0 or 3) iflag4 (=1 with E as input data, otherwise G) = 1 iflag5 (=1 read-in powerspectra C(q) numerically) = 1 iflag6 (=1 take pressure from midline of 2D-pressure profile) = 0 (otherwise from 1D pressure profile) iflag7 (=0, calculate macroasperity Radius from mu) = 1 (=1 calculate using IN.macro.asperity.contact data file (=2 calculate macroasperity Radius, sometimes problematic method) (if =2 always check file CHECK.MacroAsperityR... ) iflag8 (=1,10,11,12: calculate 2D-tire elasticity parameters and STOP) = 0 (if iflag8 negative --> FAST METHOD) (optimized to reproduce data file DATA.TireBodyData) (=1 optimize both transverse and longitudinal tire body) (=11 optimize only transverse, =12 only longitudinal tire body) (=10 partial optimization of tire body using one pressure profile) (otherwise (if abs(iflag2) > 3) from 2D-input: CALCULATED.DATA_TireName.1Cmass..) (=100 do not optimize tire but calculate TABLE with stiffness values) (=110 or 120 do not optimize tire but calculate TABLE with stiffness KL or KT) (KL = Fx/ux, or KT = Fy/uy; u and F rim displacement and force on rim) (=2 or 22 then calculate 1D-longitudinal or cornering tire elasticity parameters and STOP) (optimized to reproduce CL or CT from file DATA.TireBodyData) (otherwise (if abs(iflag2)<4) from 1D-input: CALCULATED.DATA_TireName.1Tmass..) iflag9 (=1 then use modified pressure distribution obtained) = 0 (from information about rolling resistance) iflag10 (=0 use memory elastic spring for tread shear deformation from relaxation modulus) = 0 (=1 non-memory-spring from relaxation modulus; only for 2D tire model) (=2 use memory elastic spring for tread shear deformation from E(omega), omega=1/time) (=3 non-memory-spring from from E(omega), omega=1/contacttime; only for 2D tire model) iTable (=1 then produce table with mu(v) for T=T0) = 0 (=2 then produce table with mu(v,T)) iRoll (=1-->hard sphere, =2 hard cylinder rolling friction) = 0 ishear (=1,2,3 or 4-->include contribution to friction from area of contact) = 3 (ishear=1 --> thermal activation -log(v); =2 confined fluid v**alpha; =3 or 4 Schallamach; 3=analytical, 4=numerical) (for ishear=1 or 2 data in IN.mathematical; =3 or 4 data in IN.ShearStressMasterCurve.., and IN.ShearStressShiftFactor..) iextendFLASH (=1-->include mean-field interaction between hot spotsi; only used if iflag2>0) = 1 iNonlinear (=1-->include strain softening of viscoelastic modulus) = 1 iobtain (=1-->calculates the shear stress in the area of contact which gives measured friction coefficient) = 0 (if iobtain=1 give the experimental input data is given in file: IN.data.friction.experiment...) ioptemize (=1-->optimize viscoelastic modulus for maximum friction during braking) = 0 (if ioptemize=1 the code use 1D tire model to obtain max of mu-slip curve, therefore put iflag2 =1 or -1) POLYNOMIAL FIT and SMOOTHING (if npoly = 0, no smoothing): npolyCq (order of polynomial smoothing of Cq) = 0 npolyab (order of polynomial smoothing of aT and bT) = 0 npolyE (order of polynomial smoothing of E) = 0 BACKGROUND TEMPERATURE AND CAR VELOCITY: T0 (in degree C) = 0.2000E+02 vCar (in m/s) = 0.1660E+02 FOOT-PRINT PRESSURE PROFILE: ....1D-pressure profile =1D test pressure distribution ROAD DATA, SURFACE TOPORGAPHY: ....roadtype = Example_y,z-data_01 root mean square roughness h0 (m) = 0.2809E-03 root mean square roughness slope including q0 linear interpolation, otherwise cubic spline = 1 delnn = 0.3000E-01 nphi = 200 vmax (m/s) = 0.1000E+04 nvsteady (m/s) = 200 vplot1 (m/s); some quantities plotted for this velocity = 0.1000E+01 vselect (m/s); calculate mu(zeta) for this velocity for macroasperity R = 0.0000E+00 deltis (s) = 0.2500E-06 deltis is time step, if cold-hot friction law used, deltis=2.5E-07 s maybe enough deltis is time step, if full friction law used, deltis=0.5E-07 s maybe necessary nn1 = 50 nMontestep = 200000 nterma: number of relaxation times in pole-expansion E(omega) = 30 itmaxAmoeba = number of iterations in tire body optimization = 8 Note: maximum number of Polential output in tire body optimization is 4 x itmaxAmoeba factorAmoeba = factor of order 1.2 for Amoeba initiation = 0.1300E+01 vflipFULL (m/s) = 0.2000E-01 vminKin (m/s) = 0.1000E-03 fullvcon (m/s) = 0.5000E-04 zetapref.input = 0.1000E+01 zetapref.used = 0.1026E+01 the largerst possible q1 = 0.1000E+10 the number of time integration steps nt (calculated) = 29060 the number of integration steps for memory friction nt/nn1 = 631 the (maximum) number of used zeta integration steps nn (calculated) = 182 some printout is for the slip (slipprint) = 0.9000E-01 1D carcass damp. scaling factor, reduce=1 --> crit. damp. = 0.1000E+01 if iflag3=1, the qcutoff is optimized for the slip slipoptimize= 0.2500E+00 if iflag3=2, the qcutoff is optimized for the steady sliding speed vq1op= 0.1000E+01 G correction factor used in friction calculation!= 0.6000E+00 maximum A/A0 for interval for calculating Radius = 0.6000E+00 minimal A/A0 for interval for calculating Radius = 0.3000E-01 TireSimulationTime (s) = 0.7000E-01 AverageTime time period in second for averaging = 0.1500E-01 NOTE: for mu-slip curve the code average the friction over the last AverageTime of simulation time for each slip value TurnOnTime: time period in second during which tire damping and/or slip is modified = 0.2000E-01 dampmag: damping magnif. factor > or = 1 during TurnOnTime = 0.2000E+02 iturnon=1 slip (or slipangle or camberangle) turned on linearly during TunOnTime, =0 abruptly = 1 when calculating mu-camberangle curve always use iturnon=1 and dampmag large, e.g., 50.0 velocity of tire rim during calculation of stifness KL=Fx/ux and KT=Fy/uy = 0.1000E+00 heatfrac: if iflag7=1 the macroasperity radius obtained at the magnification zeta (using the GW theory) where mu(zeta)=heatfrac x mu(zeta1) = 0.4000E-01 s0=pref0*MacroasperityDiameter; prefs0 = 0.2000E+00 s0 = decay length cold-hot frict. law mu=muh+(muc-muh)*exp(-s/s0) sigmaprefactor=prefactor of frictional stress acting in area of contac = 0.2980E+07 sigmaexponent=exponent of frictional stress acting in area of contact =-0.3794E+06 the friction law assumed is sigma=prefactor x (v a_T)^exponent rmsslopeq1 = rms slope of surface when optimizing q1 (when using iflag3 = 3) = 0.1300E+01 strainslope = factor relating rms slope to surface strain (only used when iNonlinear = 1) = 0.6700E+00 the computation time (in minutes) = 0.22 CALCULATED PARAMETERS: root mean square road roughness (m) = 0.2656E-03 diameter of macro-asperity contact area (cm) = 0.3000E+00 relative macroasperity contact area = 0.3000E+00 magnification at macroasperity contact = 0.1628E+02 time of block in footprint area at slip slipprint (s) = 0.0000E+00 average pressure in footprint area (MPa) = 0.3667E+00 length of footprint along tire centerline (cm) = 0.1200E+02 qcutoff = 0.2412E+03 q1 = qcutoff*q0 (1/m) = 0.6123E+05 thickness of Modified (dead) layer (micrometer) = 0.8167E+01 the average relative contact area (for slip = slipprint) = 0.0000E+00 the logv-averaged relative contact area during stready sliding = 0.9949E-01 wearlength (micrometer) = 0.0000E+00 mu_x-slip curve: longitudinal slip at maximal friction = 0.0000E+00 mu_x-slip curve: maximal friction coefficient = 0.0000E+00 kinetic friction: velocity (m/s) at maximal friction = 0.6196E-03 kinetic friction: maximal friction coefficient = 0.1787E+01 WARNING: Check file CHECK_1logq.2logC for extrapol., Cq measured to q1 = 0.2994E+05 Always check extrapolation of a(T) and b(T) in CHECK_1Temp... Always check extrapolation of E(omega) in CHECK_1logOmeg... file Lowest measured, extrap. and used omega = 0.1989E-08 0.1989E-08 0.2103E-08 IN.PARAMETER data (maximum allowed size of data files): ntMax,nntMax,nnMax,nCMax,NslipvMax,nSteady,Npres = 600000 4000 1000 1000000 1000 10000 10000 nTempMax,nEMax,NFMax,NPhiMax,nlayernumber,NtreadMax,nvMax = 10000 10000 170000 1000 10 1 10000 (Note: nlayernumber must be at least 3 when running tire or block dynamics, including 1D-tire dynamics)